tp TRUE_PEAK, -true-peak TRUE_PEAK: EBU Maximum True Peak in dBTP (default: -2.0). lrt LOUDNESS_RANGE_TARGET, -loudness-range-target LOUDNESS_RANGE_TARGET: EBU Loudness Range Target in LUFS (default: 7.0). p, -print-stats: Print first pass loudness statistics formatted as JSON to stdout. t TARGET_LEVEL, -target-level TARGET_LEVEL: Normalization target level in dB/LUFS (default: -23).įor EBU normalization, it corresponds to Integrated Loudness Target in LUFS. Peak normalization brings the signal to the specified peak level.
RMS-based normalization brings the input file to the specified RMS level. [-nt : Normalization type (default: ebu).ĮBU normalization performs two passes and normalizes according to EBU R128. Or download this repository, then run pip install. Installation pip3 install ffmpeg-normalize ffmpeg v3.1 or above from installed in your $PATH.Run ffmpeg-normalize /path/to/your/file.mp4.It can also perform RMS-based normalization (where the mean is lifted or attenuated), or peak normalization to a certain target level.īatch processing of several input files is possible, including video files. This program normalizes media files to a certain loudness level using the EBU R128 loudness normalization procedure. A utility for batch-normalizing audio using ffmpeg.